Minnesota's in the Middle

All things Minnesota politics

Saturday, June 10, 2006

DFL convention

I'm just catching up on the action at the DFL convention and it appears Mike Hatch does not yet have this endorsement in the bag. Steve Kelley and beckey Lourey are running to close to expect either to drop out anytime soon, and you never know how they might play things. I think it's probably best for Peter Hutchinson that they do get an unchallanged endorsement today so the media can start to focus on the three major party candidates in this race. Given Steve Kelley has said he won't run in a primary the best thing that could happen is have Lourey jump on board with Hatch as his running mate, bring her support over and hope against all odds that Steve Kelley is a man of his word.


Blogger lloydletta said...

Hatch is endorsed. That's good news for Hutchinson.... There are a fair number of anybody but Hatch people.


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