Minnesota's in the Middle

All things Minnesota politics

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Where's Dean Barkley

Dean Barkley had to know there was a good chance he would run long prior to Jesse Ventura's decision Monday morning. While the major aspects of the campaign will come later I want to feel a reason to donate money to his campaign.

His website is bare, I have yet to receive a E-mail announcing his campaign, and I know of no events he's committed to attending, nor any that he is mad about not being invited (A Star Tribune article mentions both Coleman and Franken have committed to the Farmfest debate with no mention of any Independence Party even though endorsed candidate Stephen Williams is a farmer).

Barkley polled at 8% a couple months back, and should be slightly above that now, but I and most voters aren't going to support him simply because he is the replacement to Jesse Ventura. Unless I can see a path to victory for Barkley I will probably support Jack Uldrich although between now and the primary I plan on doing what I can to support both.


Blogger Phil Fuehrer said...

He appears to swinging into full gear. His web site has a makeover with more bells/whistles being added tomorrow. And, I received a phone call from him over the weekend.


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