Minnesota's in the Middle

All things Minnesota politics

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Today in the Star Tribune

An article was published on an issue tht only included the views of Norm Coleman and Al Franken. No mention was made of an attempt to get Barkley's view, nor was a closing sentance included stating Dean Barkley is also in the race as a recent article on the third CD race did with David Dillon.

What can be said? It isn't fair that's for sure, but you can't leagally require they do what we want, afterall there are more candidates then just Franken Coleman and Barkley. What we can do is relize Barkley is running strong, he has shined in his first debate, more yard signs are popping up each day. He will raise money, he will run ads, the voters will know he is running and running strong. The major polls in this state all say the same thing. He is gaining support and is above the Jesse Ventura level. Everywhere you turn you find another unexpected supporter. At least one Republican endorsed candidate will be voting Dean Barkley for US Senate.

If the Star Tribune doesn't care thats fine, they are not the player they were just 10 years ago, but we are.


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