Minnesota's in the Middle

All things Minnesota politics

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Convention weekend

The DFL and Republican parties held several congressional endorsing conventions today. The big ones were the Republicans in the 6th district, where to nobodys suprise Michele Bachmann won easily, the DFL 5th where Keith Ellison won by a suprisingly large margain. And the Republicans endorsing former US Senator Rod Grams in the 8th. Much less significantly the Republicans endorsed former Independence Party US Senate candidate Alan Fine (he lost in the primary to current Independence State Party chair Jim Moore in 2002) for the 5th congressional district. For the most part these endorsements should not be overturned in the primary, although with the 5th congressional seat up for grabs anything can still happen.

I don't know that either the Ellison or Fine endorsements are of any significance to the decision Independence Party delegates make Tuesday in the 5th, but it is nice to have those endorsements out of the way before we have to make our decision.


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