Minnesota's in the Middle

All things Minnesota politics

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

David Dillon

I've done somewhat of a disservice to David Dillon by not mentioning him often here. He is clearly the best congressional candidate the Independence Party has (cross endorsement be damned if it only goes one way). And despite the fact I don't see him firing people up the way Dean Barkley can his poll #'s currently are better then Barkley's. He is the typical IP federal candidate strongly against spending, for paying down the debt, for states rights, and socially inclusive.

Not living in the distict I don't have a good feel if a possibility exists for him to break out and become competitve, but much like Tammy Lee he puts a great face on the Independence Party.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

David is a great candidate with just a good of chance to win as the other two.

Tune into TC public television next Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. for the debate.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love to see a HUGE letter writing to editors of papers and such about Dean and David. I am asking for people to contact their committees for help. Signs in yards, donations - big time, people to make calls. What ever it takes. I think our time is coming and it is this year. There are enough people out there that are tired of the same ole same ole and are looking for common sense approaches to problems.


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