Minnesota's in the Middle

All things Minnesota politics

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Duck, Duck Grey Duck

We all know Tim Pawlenty and Mike Hatch are afraid to take their campaign rhetoric into the debate setting. We also know Patty Wetterling intends to win her race for Congress by saying as little as possible, but now we have Michele Bachmann ducking debates.

That’s right - the same Michele Bachmann whose campaign staged debates for the sole purpose of bashing Patty Wetterling's absence. That’s right - the same Michele Bachmann who showed up late to that debate. Michele didn't know Independence Party candidate John Binkowski was a real threat, but after the Forest Lake sham of a debate, Michele now knows better than to debate Binkowski. Unfortunately, those at Almanac are gutless and are allowing Bachmann and Wetterling's game playing to cancel John Binkowski's appearance.

Minnesotans need to let Pawlenty, Hatch, Bachmann, Wetterling, and the media know they want to hear the candidates. If the Democrats and Republicans want to give up media appearances, that doesn't mean the voters don't want to hear from those candidates who have a message ready to deliver to the voters. Major Party status should mean something.

Blogs on Peter Hutchinson

There are blogs out there that write something new about the same decade-old events every few days in the most vicious, misinformed way possible. There are other blogs that believe because Peter Hutchinson has spent most of the money he has raised thus far, he couldn't possibly be a good governor. This completely ignores the fact his opponents get free media, free plane trips, and free office resources to get their message out to the voters.

Then, there are rational bloggers who understand that principled people doing principled things should be respected. When we elect a new president in two years, blogs will be completely insignificant because the public is smart enough to realize 90% of bloggers are agenda-driven liars. But if more blogs were rational, we would all benefit.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Almanac debate: John Binkowski

Check out John Binkowski - and potentially his rivals, should they have the guts to debate - Friday night at 7 on Almanac (Channel 2). From the sounds of it, Bachmann would rather not have to face off with John again, and Patty is a serial debate dodger so who knows what we will be left with besides Binkowski.

Meanwhile, Mike Hatch and Tim Pawlenty have both dodged every debate scheduled thus far, and have not officially accepted any future debate invitations.

Robert Fitzgerald on Garage Logic

Check out Robert Fitzgerald Thursday afternoon at 4:15 on AM 1500 with Joe Soucheray. I'm sure Joe will be hard on Robert so it should be a good test leading up to Friday morning's debate on MPR (91.1 FM) at 11 AM. Robert will also be on with Jack Rice Friday at 2:30 PM, and is working aggressively to secure other media appearances.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Republicans don't respect Alan Fine

I stopped by the WCCO booth at the State Fair this afternoon to watch John Binkowski's interview with Jack Rice. Of course, WCCO radio is located right next to the Republican Party booth so its supporters get a chance to counter whatever they hear from the neighbor's airways. In their typical tacky, Republican Michele Bachmann-supporting way, they proudly held up their Michele Bachmann signs. Proudly acknowledging the camera as I shot this picture.

The level of support for Alan Fine among Republicans clearly is not anywhere close. In fact, even after realizing a supporter of the opposition was taking photos of what was going on at the Republican Party booth, they let this Alan Fine sign that was leaning against a table leg sit on the ground right next to their feet for several minutes, even after they saw me take this photo.

Republicans can proudly support Michele Bachmann because, like her or hate her, she is a real Republican who speaks intelligently to the issues Republicans support. Republicans not only can't support Alan Fine, they also couldn't care less to even show him the respect of taking his sign off the ground in plain view of those of us at the WCCO booth. They don't care because Alan Fine is not a real Republican, is not running a real campaign, and cannot intelligently discuss the views of the Republican Party or even his own views, for that matter. The truth is the Republican volunteers secretly hope his quest for 15% does not go well because they know that Tammy Lee is the most realistic threat to taking Minnesota's 5th Congressional seat out of DFL hands, and is the only candidate in the district proposing fiscal sanity.

"Minnesota is moving forward..."

He won't debate him, but Tim Pawlenty has no problem stealing from Peter Hutchinson. Pawlenty's first television ad is on the air today and begins with the line "Minnesota is moving forward." Pawlenty has every right to make that claim; however, if he's not willing to debate Peter Hutchinson, it tends to suggest that when it comes down to it, Pawlenty doesn't feel he is capable of proving himself to be accurate.

If Minnesota is moving forward, then Tim Pawlenty should simply debate Peter Hutchinson and squash him. After all, Hutchinson is not running a strong media campaign, and will only win if he is giving the people what they want on the issues.

The good news is this will make it a heck of a lot easier for Peter Hutchinson to get the media to bite on Pawlenty's lack of debating, and will create a few extra media appearances from the guy who actually intends on moving Minnesota forward. Thanks, Tim Pawlenty; you just gave the Hutchinson campaign a shot in the arm.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Rally update

Because of the debate and WCCO interview Friday, Robert wants us to focus on getting our best crowd out that day. Reminder: the MPR debate is at 11 AM and the WCCO interview is at 2:30 PM. At 3 PM, we will march the grounds supporting Robert and lead back to the IP booth for what should be something unusual.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Robert Fitzgerald/Independence Party rally

I've been discussing this idea with Robert at the fair the last two days, and I think I have him sold on it now. Most likely sometime next Saturday, September 2nd, we will have a rally at the Independence Party booth with Robert Fitzgerald, Tammy Lee, and John Binkowski - Peter Hutchinson could potentially be included in this as well.

If you support Robert and are planning on coming to the fair only once or twice, keep this in mind: If your plans don't work Saturday or we change direction in the next day or two, then Friday September 1st is a great day to come support Robert as he will be debating Klobuchar and Kennedy at the MPR booth at 11 AM, and he will be doing a radio interview over at WCCO radio with Jack Rice at 2:30. Again, those are both Friday, September 1st. Otherwise, Robert is out at the Independence Party booth every day.

Again, we intend to do a rally Saturday, September 2nd, and are looking to get the kind of crowd that makes even the crew at Meet the Press notice. More details will be seen here in the coming days, as well as at the Independence Party booth at the fair.

See you there!

Excellent work Lehcar

Thanks for posting that so I didn't have to. As Robert Fitzgerald's "chief bad ass" (we're working on a more official title), this is exactly what we must do. Meet the Press might be above us considering almost all scenarios, but we, at a minimum, deserve the communication with those at the show to know where the poll #'s, etc. need to be to gain entry. It will be interesting to see if they cover the Republican candidate in Connecticut, or if they allow Lieberman to debate. If both those things happen, it would demonstrate a clear inconsistency that we could and must shove in their faces.

Fitzgerald not included in Meet the Press Senate Debate on Oct 15

You know what to do: contact Meet the Press! The show's email address is MTP@NBC.com and you should address it to the following: Mr. Tim Russert, host; Ms. Betsy Fischer, Executive Producer; & Ms. Michelle Jaconi and Ms. Rebecca Samuels, producers of Meet the Press.

The following is what I wrote to them:

To Mr. Tim Russert, host; Ms. Betsy Fischer, Executive Producer; & Ms. Michelle Jaconi and Ms. Rebecca Samuels, producers of Meet the Press:

While I am very happy to know that Minnesota’s U.S. Senate race is getting national coverage on such a prestigious show like Meet the Press, I am EXTREMELY disappointed to find out that not all THREE candidates are being included in the televised debate on October 15; the Independence Party-endorsed candidate Robert Fitzgerald seems to be missing. If this is an oversight on the part of your web team (where I obtained this information), I sincerely apologize for what I am about to say and humbly ask that you immediately correct the oversight. If it is not a mistake, please take what I am about to say to heart.

According to your website, “‘Meet the Press’ has a proud history of presenting its viewers with the very best in political debate. This election year will be no exception.” At the moment, I beg to differ. You are not presenting your viewers with the very best. To me, the best is allowing ALL major party candidates to participate. In Minnesota, the Independence Party is a major party. Even though the U.S. Senate is a federal race and the Independence Party is a state party, the voters in Minnesota are the ones who matter in deciding this race and they deserve to know they have THREE major party choices, not two.

Furthermore, your website states that the Meet the Press Senate debates will have “…candidates from some of the most interesting and competitive races in the country.” I disagree again, considering that you are presently not including ALL THREE major party candidates. What, pray tell, is more interesting (politically-speaking and in a non-Presidential election year) than a highly competitive, three-way Senate race in a politically progressive state like Minnesota? Fitzgerald will be certain to keep Klobuchar and Kennedy on their toes when it comes to debating the real issues, particularly the ones regarding energy. For example, in one weekend, Fitzgerald converted a school bus to run on waste fryer oil. He’s been traveling all over the state in that now-bright red bus for less than a dollar a day! Considering today’s rising gas prices, that’s quite an accomplishment. If one citizen can do that, I don’t see why the United States government can’t do something along those same lines. Fitzgerald can obviously provide innovative solutions here; I haven’t seen anything innovative from Klobuchar or Kennedy on this issue.

I want to also note that in a recent Washington Times article (5/19/06) about Minnesota’s competitive federal races, Fitzgerald was, of course, included when the Senate race was discussed by the author, Barry Casselman:

“To complicate matters further, the Independence Party has come up with a dynamic 29 year-old centrist candidate (his 30th birthday is a few weeks before the new Senate would be sworn in) named Robert Fitzgerald, who is going around the state in a colorful bus. (The last Irish-American 29-year-old who ran for the Senate against impossible odds was Joe Biden in Delaware in 1972. He won, is still in the Senate and running for president in 2008.)”

Casselman obviously did his job as a political reporter. Click this link for the full story: http://washingtontimes.com/op-ed/20060518-091443-6381r.htm

Finally, I find it very disconcerting that a show like Meet the Press would be like the rest of the media and not accurately cover a race as important as the U.S. Senate race in politically progressive Minnesota. I do hope the other Senate races you cover are truly races between two major parties, because if they are not, you are doing a disservice to the voters of those states as well. As members of the media, Mr. Russert, Ms. Fischer, Ms. Jaconi, and Ms. Samuels, it is your DUTY to cover these kinds of races properly, so that you may accurately inform your viewers. I am one of those viewers, and I will not tolerate this lack of accurate reporting. I may have to obtain my political information elsewhere, as I prefer to be properly informed about all of my options before I go to the voting booth.

I strongly urge you… no, I insist, as one of your viewers and as a voting Minnesotan, that you include the Independence Party-endorsed candidate for U.S. Senate, Robert Fitzgerald, in your televised Senate debate on October 15.

Thank you.

Upcoming Tammy Lee Events

Wednesday, August 30. 6-8pm
Minnesota Pipeline: 5th CD Candidates Forum
The Minneapolis Urban League
2100 Plymouth Ave N.

Thursday, August 31. 9:30-11:30am
Minnesota Senior Federation Candidates Forum
Crystal Community Center
4800 Douglas Dr.

Monday, September 4. 3:00pm
East Calhoun Labor Day Parade
March w/ us wearing your Tammy Lee T-shirt
Meet at St. Mary's Greek Orthodox Church at 2:15pm
3450 Irving Ave S

Wednesday, September 6. 5-7pm
Happy Hour at The Independent in Uptown
Enjoy Happy Hour Specials with Tammy Lee.
Hosted by Adrienne McFadden, Kimberly Thompson, Angela Goins, Peter Tharaldson, Tom Klas
Upstairs of Caloun Square
3001 Hennepin Ave S
Uptown Minneapolis

Thursday, September 7. 6-8pm
Aviation Reception
Free Food and Drinks
Keynote Speaker David Banmiller, CEO, Aloha Airlines
Golden Wings Museum
8891 Airport Road, C-6
Blaine, MN 55449
Suggested Donation $50, $100, $250 or more.

Email getactive@tammyleeforcongress.com or call 612-767-3047 if you are coming to any of the above events or if you'd like to volunteer at Tammy Lee for Congress headquarters.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Upcoming Campaign Events

*The Independence Party booth at the State Fair could always use volunteers! It's located on the south side of Dan Patch, three blocks in from the Snelling Avenue gate, and just west of Underwood (right next to the cheese curds stand). To volunteer, it's best to email info@mnip.org or call the IP state office at 651-487-9700. Or if you decide to volunteer at the last minute, just simply show up!

The Team Minnesota campaign also has booths all around the Fairgrounds: Peter Hutchinson and Maureen Reed: west side of Cosgrove, between Wright & Dan Patch, near the Home Improvement booth. Joel Spoonheim: west side of Underwood, just north of Dan Patch, and east of the grandstand ticket booth. John James: on the southwest corner of Cooper and Randall. Lucy Gerold: on the east side of Underwood, between Randall and Wright.

*John Binkowski - Independence Party-endorsed candidate for Congress, 6th District.

***Woodbury Days Parade on Sunday, August 27 at 1 pm. The parade starts at the intersection of Afton Road and Steeple View Road and ends at Ojibway Park. Come on out and march with John! Contact John@JPBinkowski.com or 612-236-8952 to learn about further volunteer opportunities.

***I believe that John will be at the Independence Party booth every day of the State Fair, so be sure to come out and meet him!

*Tammy Lee - Independence Party-endorsed candidate for Congress, 5th District

***There are no new events posted on Tammy's website, but you can expect to see her at the Fair every day at the Independence Party booth, so come out and meet her! For volunteeer opportunities, call 612-767-3047 or email getactive@tammyleeforcongress.com

*Robert Fitzgerald - Independence party-endorsed candidate for US Senate

***This, from Robert's blog: "I’ve set up shop at the Independence Party booth on the corner of Underwood and Dan Patch. There will be candidate speeches, meet and greets, literature, balloons, tattoos, and more. Stop by and introduce yourself!" For volunteer opportunities, call 218.731.0844 or email robert@votefitzgerald.org

That's all I have for now... check back in a few days for the next update!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

State Fair: Day One

As much as the State Fair can be an annoying drag, it is also great fun. Just watching people become engaged in the political process is refreshing; candidates bring out the best kind of visitors. I didn't once hear that the US dollar is a meaningless piece of paper or that we are not required to pay taxes, or any of the other things that insane people like to ramble on and on about (*note to insane people: the Republican booth is right next to WCCO Radio; if you're lucky, you can engage Alan Fine).

While cars were being destroyed left and right from Anoka to Edina, the weather at the fairgrounds stayed calm most of the afternoon, with occasional 5-minute downpours which did us more good than harm as it drew people in. Come 6 o'clock, though, the story changed as it got as dark as night and a 45-minute downpour began. With the lightning, wind and fear of tornadoes, I'm happy to say I made it home alive and the booth suffered no damage. That’s not the sort of thing I want on Day 1 of the Fair; Day 8 it makes for a good change of pace, but Day 1 - no way.

Eventually, the fairgoers left their cover and started to wander by again, but by that time it was mostly concert-goers which makes politicking extremely hard - for a typical politician, anyway. Luckily, the Independence Party has John Binkowski and Robert Fitzgerald. Robert had tickets for the concert so he was easily able to start up a conversation with these folks and get them to hear his political platform out, and that usually included a lot of nods of agreement.

The bad weather today will mean huge crowds on Friday so it should be another exciting day at the Fair.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

What a difference a year makes

A year ago at this time the party was just getting over Jack Uldrich's drop from the US Senate race, and I was just starting to think this Robert Fitzgerald guy might not be that bad. At the Fair, Robert stopped by the booth a few times, as one of these guys that gets on the ballot and acts like he's relevant. But by the end of the Fair, I was having long conversations with Robert and realizing that he was exactly what I was looking for in a candidate. Still, in the months following I hoped for a higher profile candidate, but by January, it was clear none of those candidates would enter the race.

This year, instead of being a visitor to the Independence Party booth, Robert will spend many hours as the Independence Party-endorsed candidate for US Senate and I couldn't be prouder helping him. No doubt this year at the Fair I will meet a person or two who will go from visitor to major player in the party; in fact, four years ago, I was one of those people.

Hope to see you all at the Fair and, for a few of you, to share this kind of story next year.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

State Fair

This is big for the Independence Party, and yet there is very little that we as supporters can do to make something happen. The State Fair set-up will be good, the candidates will give the public a great opportunity to hear them out at both the booths and media appearances throughout the fairgrounds. And come Labor Day, we will know something about this race that up until now was impossible to know. Is the public ready to say to hell with Gay Marriage Bachmann and Bumbling Wetterling? Is the public ready to "just say no" to the DFL in the 5th CD? Is the public ready to make a change on Summit Avenue and if so, is Peter Hutchinson the change they want to get behind? And finally, will the rest of the public, as they get to know Robert Fitzgerald, have the same reaction as most everyone I've met along the way, and get behind his US Senate campaign?

While Jesse Ventura's victory cannot be the only model to look at, you will recall that at this time in '98, he was a solid third option, but as Norm Coleman put it best, "Let's be relativistic here: in November, the voters are going to choose between me and Skip Humphrey." It wasn't until the end of the Fair that anybody thought Ventura might have a chance, and while the media then began to take him very seriously, they still considered him an extreme long shot. At the end of the Fair we will still be seen as extreme long shots unless something unpredictable happens, but this is "make or break" time for the Independence Party candidates to get on the map and become real players in November.

The nervous energy I’m feeling is worse than election day, as I know anything can happen and I have very little control over it. Or maybe that nervous energy has more to do with the fact I have a date on Saturday.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Pawlenty, Hatch Back Out of SEVERAL Debates

That's right... see the message below from Peter Hutchinson and Team Minnesota (I bolded a few words):

"Tim Pawlenty and Mike Hatch have backed out of 7 scheduled debates in the past 2 weeks. These included forums at the annual meetings of the League of Greater Minnesota Cities and the Minnesota School Boards Association – two organizations comprised of hundreds of elected officials from around the state. They have also ditched the planned debate at the Twin West Chamber of Commerce – a respected gathering of business leaders in the western suburbs. And, perhaps most upsetting of all, they have bailed on a great Minnesota tradition – live, on-air, at-the-Fair debates (one for Minnesota Public Radio and one for KTLK-FM).

What are they afraid of? I think it is two things – our ideas and your support!

Our Ideas
This week, my Team Minnesota colleagues and I released our Education policy – an aggressive plan to make the state’s education system (pre-K to college) the engine of long-term economic security and prosperity it needs to be. It will double the percentage of ninth graders who graduate from college (it is currently an unacceptably low 23 percent). You can read it all on our website at www.TeamMN.com
. You can also find our plans for moving Minnesota forward in health care and transportation. We will be releasing our proposals for repairing our threatened environment and improving our energy independence before Labor Day. Ours are the most complete and most courageous proposals out there. That would be scary to those who think that inching along and tinkering are the same as leadership.

I also shared my ideas on Midmorning with Kerri Miller on Minnesota Public Radio on Thursday. You can listen to me responding to Kerri’s always challenging questions here
. I will also be on Monday’s Midday show with Gary Eichten at 11AM. Tune in and encourage your friends, family, and colleagues to do the same. [Update: you can listen to Peter on Midday here.]

My opponents are dodging public debates because they know that when people hear us, they like us. I have been all over this state – shaking hands with hundreds of thousands of folks in parades, coffee shops, meeting halls, you name it. The reaction has been fantastic. We have plans to do much more between now and November 7. Your support is our secret weapon.

- Your time: The next important volunteer opportunity is the State Fair. Contact Trevor at volunteer@teammn.com
or 612-767-4465 and sign up for a 3-hour shift at one of our Team Minnesota booths. We promise it will be a lot of fun.

- Your word-of-mouth: Most Minnesotans are just now starting to “tune in” to all the campaign stuff. I need you to remind them that there is a great Independent choice for them this year (they don’t have to choose between the extreme left and the extreme right!). Encourage them to visit our website – www.TeamMN.com
- and sign-up for our newsletter.

- Your money: Many of you have graciously given to this campaign; some of you have told me it has been more than you have given to all political campaigns in your life combined. Your money keeps us independent of the lobbyists, PACs, and special interests that are financing our opponents.

Please make another contribution now. Then convince 5 other people – neighbors, cousins, college roommates, co-workers – to give to our campaign and take advantage of the state’s refund program (you get back the first $50 of your contribution within 6 weeks of filing the simple form). Go to www.TeamMN.com
and make a secure online contribution using a credit card or find the mailing address to send a check.

Thanks for your continued support of our ideas to take back Minnesota politics and move this state forward –
Not Left. Not Right. Forward!"

Volunteer for State Fair IP Booth!

A message from Jim Moore, IP Chair:

"It's time for the next major milestone on the way to an IP victory! The Great Minnesota Get-Together, the State Fair!

The Independence Party State Fair booth will be at the location familiar from recent years, on the south side of Dan Patch, three blocks in from the Snelling Ave gate, and just west of Underwood (next to the cheese curds store). We are looking for all the volunteers we can get to staff the IP booth and meet and greet the voters. We've got a lot of ideas about attracting attention and establishing our image, but they can't be effective without your help.

We need volunteers for the twelve days of the fair, starting Thursday August 24, and running through Labor Day, Monday September 4. We suggest three-hour shifts, 9-12, 12-3, 3-6, or 6-9. We are budgeting for some free fair tickets, and expect to give them to anyone who signs up for a second, third, etc. day. When planning your time, please remember that it takes more time than you might think to get parked, get into the fairgrounds, make your way to the booth, etc.

The Independence Party booth will be support Team Minnesota, our slate of candidates for statewide constitutional offices, and will particularly feature our candidates for the US Senate and the US Congress: Robert Fitzgerald, Tammy Lee (Congressional District 5), and John Binkowski (Congressional District 6). We also expect to see some candidates for the Minnesota Legislature. If you haven't met these candidates yet, don't miss this chance. If you have, you know why we are excited about giving them the strongest possible support.

This message is primarily to ask you to volunteer for the Independence Party booth. If you would rather volunteer for one of the following individual booths, please indicate that when you volunteer and we will plan your activity that way: Peter Hutchinson and Maureen Reed: west side of Cosgrove, between Wright & Dan Patch, near the Home Improvement booth. Joel Spoonheim: west side of Underwood, just north of Dan Patch, and east of the grandstand ticket booth. John James: on the southwest corner of Cooper and Randall. Lucy Gerold: on the east side of Underwood, between Randall and Wright.

To volunteer, [email
info@mnip.org] or call the IP state office at 651-487-9700. Tell us which shift or shifts you want. We will reply and confirm."

Please consider volunteering at the booth! It's a great time; you will not only get to know the IP candidates, but you will also get to meet interesting people as they stop by the booth! And besides the famous Cheese Curds, a lot of other great food stands are located near the IP booth: Root Beer, Corn on the Cob, Gyros, Funnel Cake, Sweet Martha's Cookies - all within steps of the IP booth! Planning to catch a show at the Grandstand? Volunteer at the IP booth beforehand and you'll have plenty of time to snag a good seat - the Grandstand is just steps away! So you see... you can enjoy all the Fair has to offer and help the IP in the process - what a deal!

(Yes, I realize I'm being cheesy - no pun intended - but we DO need your help. Please contact the IP today to set up your shift(s)!)

Let me introduce myself...

Hi. I will be contributing to Minnesota's in the Middle, but I've been busy lately and for some reason, I haven't been too opinionated either. This is unusual for me. As you know, Mike may be blogging less due to his new role within Robert Fitzgerald's U.S. Senate campaign. So that means I have to become my regular, opinionated self, as we don't want this blog to die off.

In the coming weeks, I will no doubt shamelessly promote John Binkowski, the Independence Party's (IP) endorsed candidate for Congress in the Sixth district, as I am a constituent of the Sixth. I will also be posting all upcoming events (and contact info) for the IP candidates so that you don't have to visit all the individual websites to find out how you can help!

Also, I want to strongly encourage all of you to contact the media when you see a lack of media coverage of the IP candidates. This will be an ongoing issue and when a specific instance occurs, I hope to post the contact information of the specific media offender so you can call or email to demand proper coverage!

After I post this entry, I will be posting two more: one will contain the text of the latest email I received from the Team Minnesota campaign. The other will contain information on how to volunteer at the IP booth at the Minnesota State Fair. Please consider giving a few hours of your time to the IP at the Fair!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Where's the coverage?

Google news on Tammy Lee, and the major papers in this state deliver next to nothing. Read Eric Black's article on the 6th CD race today and you see he has no intention of covering John Binkowski. Read an article about the governor's race and the question still remains from whom Peter Hutchinson takes votes (they continue to get it wrong, by the way).

Meanwhile, full articles continue to be written on Pam Ellison and Sue Jeffers, as if to indicate those at the newspaper wish the political story in this state would change. What they don't realize is that with rare expectation, the change starts with the media. And while they may feel uncomfortable using that power for change, by not covering all major parties, they are using their power of influence in a more damaging manor. The reasons for not covering the Independence Party candidates in the past have all been rational; however, if we go by past reasoning then Tammy Lee blows all those standards away. Yet she gets less coverage in the Minneapolis paper than John Binkowski.

I don't have any great conspiracy theory here, but I have to wonder what the hell is going on, and I don't think I'm the only one, or even that Independence Party supporters are the only ones. The public has a basic expectation of the paper, and more and more of them are realizing that those at the paper have no intention of meeting those expectations. Call it cheap, call it lazy, or call it a great conspiracy; one thing's for certain: it isn't right.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Too busy to blog

First off, the campaign has been relatively boring the last week or two, some good issue statements from Peter Hutchinson these last few weeks if you want to check those out. Right now, I'm more involved in the behind-the-scenes stuff that either isn't that interesting or can't be blogged, and I've been too busy to search the news or other blogs for things to bounce off of. Keep reading, as there should be some good stuff and maybe Lehcar will add something at some point, as it is now just as much her blog as mine.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

A little full disclosure

I have left my position as the Independence Party Special Events chair, and am now working with Robert Fitzgerald and to a lesser extent, the other Federal candidates. We need to scrape up a little money, and get Robert ready for the debates. So far, he is invited to all of them - and polling at and above 5% twice should assure him access to those debates. The State Fair is clearly the big thing for Robert's campaign the next few weeks, with the debates starting there and the media contacts coming out of there. He could always use some funds, by the way. If you haven't checked his blog in a while, it has some good stuff.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

How to decrease gas prices?

A basic understanding of economics tells us decreasing the gas tax will do next to nothing toward decreasing the price beyond the initial phase. The other option, then, is to increase gas prices. By directing more of the money we pay for gas back into our roads and other transportation options, we get an immediate benefit. Good roads and alternative transportation options mean better fuel efficiency, which will slow demand. A sudden price increase also will do more to get people to change their driving habits rather than the current 3 to 6 cent a month up and down roller coaster we are currently riding.

While I can't say a 25 cent federal gas tax increase would ever decrease gas prices, I do know we would be getting our 25 cents worth, and it would not increase gas prices beyond where we're already headed. Mark Kennedy's plan has all the feel of special interest money influence, John Binkowski's plan sounds like a well thought-out plan to make this a better place for all Americans.

Meanwhile, the DFL is spinning that Binkowski is making a promise he can't keep because he favors the oil companies. The DFL either doesn't understand basic economics, or thinks the public is really dumb. Do these two parties (DFL & GOP) really think we are THIS dumb? The fact that we would rather pay $2.00 a gallon doesn't mean we would blindly support silly legislation. It's real simple: the higher the gas tax, the worse the oil companies do; the lower the gas tax, the better they do. If Mark Kennedy and Amy Klobuchar are qualified to go to Washington, they should prove they have the honesty and intelligence on this issue that the public demands. Something tells me they are ready to demonstrate they are not qualified to go to Washington, and without a strong common sense third party, that might be their ticket to the U.S. Senate. But with Robert Fitzgerald in the race, as well as John Binkowski in the 6th district, enough people will see through the DFL and GOP on this issue that it will create an opening large enough to drive a bus through. As soon as Robert Fitzgerald hits 15% in the polls, the race is over and he is our next U.S. Senator - unless his opponents get real honest real fast.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


The critical elements you need to know: John James needs to raise an additional $3450 (in small donations, essentially meaning 69 more donors at or above the $50 level) to receive funds from the state which will be bumped up considerably if Steve Kelley wins the DFL primary and is forced to go over the spending limits because of his gubernatorial campaign.

Joel Spoonhiem is $1100 away from receiving matching funds. If you intended to give $100 to Peter Hutchinson, you may want to redirect your donation to John and Joel, as the deadline is rapidly approaching. It would be better to have some breathing room, just in case something weird happens.

Peter Hutchinson, meanwhile, is already 20% higher than Tim Penny was when the 2002 campaign ended. However, it is still critical that people dig deep for Peter, as he has big things in store if he can reach his fundraising goals.

Of course, Robert Fitzgerald, John Binkowski, and Tammy Lee also need money just as bad, if not worse, but they don't have matching funds to worry about. So in the next week or two, think of John James and Joel Spoonhiem first.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Mary Kiffmeyer admits to being unfit for office

In trying to blame a candidate for filing for office during the filing period, Mary Kiffmeyer admits she and her office are unprepared for the most critical days of her job. If she doesn't want candidates waiting until the last minute, she needs to give them incentive to file early.

This "whoops-I-did-my-job-wrong-I-guess-it's-your-fault" attitude from Kiffmeyer is pretty pathetic. If she can't perform her job then she should resign from office. I'm sure the 500 grandchildren she trots out every four years would still support her.

Joining Team Fitzgerald

Less than 90 days remain in the campaign. My main duty with the party for the year is just about complete, my Xbox broke down the other day, and I wanted to quit my job anyway. There is only one common sense creative solution in a situation like this. That is to go work for Robert Fitzgerald to bring a new voice and a smart choice to Washington. I still must sit down with Robert to define my role, but there's no doubt it will affect my blogging one way or another.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

5th CD DFL race

We're now a month away from what will turn out to be a turning point in the race for Congress in the 5th district. In Keith Ellison, Mike Erlandson, and Ember Reichgott Junge, we have three candidates ready to tax and spend, and tax and spend again, and again and again. If they manage to bring the troops home from Iraq, forget about a tax cut as the financial burden of the war deflates; that money is already spent if any of these three are elected, and it's not coming to the 5th district or even Minnesota. A lot is being made about the personal element of the DFL candidates, and that will come into play in November. However, very little is made of the candidates on the issues themselves. If a DFL candidate does win in November, I would prefer Keith Ellison because he would be the least effective of the three, and as odd as it might be, he seems more rational than Mike Erlandson. While I don't recommend crossing parties to vote in the DFL primary, I think the pathetic reality is that Keith Ellison is no worse than his two main opponents.

It appears Ember is running a stronger than expected campaign. This is great news for those who hope Ellison will win the primary as she will split votes with Erlandson and lower the bar for Ellison to pass the primary. If she can lower that bar from 43% to 35% or so (keeping in mind Ostrow and others should combine to get close to 5%), I think it's a done deal that Ellison will be on the ballot in November.

If Ellison wins, Tammy Lee will get over 50% of the vote in the suburbs, and hopefully the people who pull the strings in the GOP will find a way to cut the Alan Fine situation from this race (I call him a situation because I can't call him a candidate, much like Doug Williams, Bill Dahn, and Adam Steele running behind the Independence Party). While that might be a long shot, if it happens I can almost guarantee a member of the DFL will not represent the 5th district for the first time in a long time, and we can work on cutting spending in Washington and taking the national debt burden off our unborn children.

A nice suprise

Independence Party Chair Jim Moore was included on Almanac's political panel Friday night. Even with a larger than normal panel, Jim was able to get the floor when he needed it, promoting Robert Fitzgerald among other things. This type of group appears to be the perfect setting for Jim, as he didn't have to deal with the instant back-stabbing and often false comebacks he would get had he been with the chairs of the Democrat and Republican parties.

Hopefully, Tom Hauser of At Issue on KSTP continues to do a good job covering all major parties by picking up on this and adding a third voice to his Face-Off segment.

While others in the media would rather deny the existence of a third major party, some are really taking their role of influence seriously and doing everything they can to be fair to all major parties. I think the voters indicated this is what they wanted when the Independence Party received major party status a decade ago (it's been retained ever since, just in case anyone in the comment section was wondering). Election success for the party has trended upward ever since, even if Ventura's early success and Penny's defeat may give the perception the party went backwards in 2002.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Funds are critical

Why give money to Peter Hutchinson? Because Peter Hutchinson and team Minnesota are right on the issues, and the public will pick up on it if they run a very active campaign.

Why give money to Tammy Lee? Because the DFL must have a real challenge no matter who wins the primary, and Tammy is clearly the only opportunity for that to happen.

Why give money to John Binkowski? Because the DFL and GOP talking point that he is a 27 year old college student is very misleading, and he deserves as big of a forum as possible to demonstrate that he is an expert in his field, and would provide congress a wealth of knowledge from someone who believes in real leadership.

Why give money to Robert Fitzgerald? Because his opponents desperately want to deplete funds from his campaign, as they see what a force he is coming out of the gate. They don't want Minnesota to get to know him, because they know if we do we will elect him our next Senator.

These next 90 days are going to be one heck of a ride, it's always more exciting when you buy a ticket.

Another victim

Looks like Dennis Anderson danderson@startribune.com over at the Star Tribune is another victim of two party syndrome.

Send him a message that Robert Fitzgerald, Peter Hutchinson, and John Binkowski deserve mention, given they are major party endorsed candidates. Please note this article actually mentioned Sue Jeffers, so there is no excuse whatsoever for the lack of Independence Party mention.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Baby formula allowed?

Why the heck are we not going all out to stop terrorism. Once you make one exception you eventually make all exceptions. If we don't trust our intelligence enough to allow grandma to bring a bottle of water then we shouldn't trust our intelligence enough to allow mom to bring some baby formula. If there’s a threat then lets make the sacrifice, and either leave the baby on the ground, or feed the child the natural way, and if other passengers are offended by that to bad. This country didn't change after 9/11, and it is clear the recent events also will not create meaningful change.

It's to bad our government doesn't give the citizens the challenge that they are ready and willing to take on, and this isn't the only issue where this problem exists. While our citizens are very courageous our leaders are cowards in the fight on terrorism.

I'm excited

After driving around in just about every direction the last few days I finally have an event walking distance from my house. Tonight is the New Brighton parade, where both Tammy Lee and Robert Fitzgerald would love to have you march with them. The parade starts at 6 with Tammy going 98th and Robert I believe 62nd. Although New Brighton is a mile or two away from my home depending on where we line up, there is no excuse for not walking or biking to the parade.

Next Thursday there is another event even closer to my home, a meetup is being hosted at the Fridley Crab House to discuss the environment and energy policy lead by Independence party candidate for state house James "Red" Nelson.

More on HatchUnhinged

A little more news on the DFL desperation blog aimed to save the failing Hatch campaign. They are apparently not confident enough in their attacks to allow comments on the blog, although Dan’s other blog does allow comments. The inconsistency speaks loudly at the desperation of the new attack blog.

While Mike Hatch continues to clearly violate the ethics of campaigning today, they want to attack Peter Hutchinson because he didn't say "the sky is falling the sky is falling your all going to die" in one memo during a short recession in the early 90's. We're to the point with Hatch where we don't want to bore you with every little detail of his unhinging campaign. Needless to say poll #'s are going in one direction for Hatch, and another for Hutchinson. And I think I'm hearing Dan loud and clear, he wants to see Tim Pawlenty defeated, I can think of the one and only way to do it, and it's not for the DFL to attack Hutchinson, it's for the weaker candidate to eventually step aside. I doubt that will happen, but the voters must understand they won't defeat Pawlenty unless they vote for a candidate capable of doing so.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Desperation! Desperation! Desperation!

It appears the DFL has decided Peter Hutchinson is a true threat, and now has a blogger working to dig up whatever dirt they can. So far the only dirt they have found is that 16 years ago in discussing the states budget situation he did not call himself a horrible failure when a national recession hit, and get this Minnesota was effected.

I'll be curios to see the line of attack this partisan blog takes in the coming months. Knowing most of the dirt on Hutchinson I can optimistically say bring it on.

I eagerly await the DFL blog that looks into what Robert Fitzgerald and John Binkowski were doing 16 years ago. If it gets out that they were sent to the principals office they may be forced to drop out of the race.

Fitzgerald press conference

Today Robert Fitzgerald held a press conference regarding his campaign bus as it relates to energy policy. Kare 11 sent a camera, and Eric Eskola conducted a lengthy interview on the bus. Robert views the energy crisis as being the effect of big business and there political connections restricting competition to bring forth innovated ideas.

While Roberts opponents will have similar talking points the results in Washington simply don't seem to demonstrate the Republican party or Democratic party intend to make significant change. It is my hope Fitzgerald will continue to clarify his position on the issues and gain the medias respect as a credible candidate.

After the press conference Fitzgerald went to the Independence Party booth at the Dakota county fair to meet and great voters. From all accounts things went very well for him down their including a campaign contribution or two. If this is any indication the State Fair will be really big for Robert's campaign.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Time to go home Joe

The voters of Connecticut decided Tuesday they don't care to see Joe Lieberman serve them any longer. Joe is the worst kind of politician, a tax and spend conservative, the voters of Connecticut are finally catching on and in a big way by rejecting him in the primary. Now Joe has decided he is an independent, and while he has more of an independent streak then Mark Kennedy the fact that he still participated in the primary of another party clearly proves he is anything but an independent.

Lieberman also has announced he will run a campaign called Team Connecticut, last I checked candidates who run without a party after getting kicked out of the race by the party they used to play for weren't considered team players. Meanwhile for some odd reasons Republicans are jumping all over this tax and spend Democrat which really shows the level of desperation that party has. They truly don't have any principals during election season.

Debate recap

The debate started with only John Binkowski on stage, after giving things two or three minutes the moderator decided to start the introductions, Bachmann finally walked in 10 or 15 seconds later. In her opening comments Bachmann went on and on about how awful it was that Patty Wetterling wasn't participating, while I agree I don't believe it's a candidates place to bring that up, and I know it's not the place of a candidate that shows up late for debates. It was very disrespectful towards Binkowski, the audience, and the VFW to show up late.

The debate itself focused on economic issues, taxes, transportation. The social issues that Bachmann throws away her political influence on were not once mentioned. On economic issues Bachmann and Binkowski are very much in agreement, with Binkowski being more open to talking about things like a gas tax, and alternative energy sources, while Bachmann simply pretended we have no choice, but to continue to consume oil at the current rates. While Bachmann decided she needed to dumb things down for the audience and give us an Economics 101 lecture.

Apparently Bachmann believes when it comes to our energy sources the government needs to stay out completely which is odd given she never mentioned she wanted to legalize drugs.

Overall the debate was uneventful, but we all got to see how well John Binkowski knows and can convey the issues, and I'm sure some who saw him tonight or see him on cable access broadcast will consider throwing their support his way. I just hope Bachmann doesn't now shy away from future debates where he is set to participate.

Key issue statements from Binkowski tonight

25 cent per gallon gas tax to catch up with the inflation in price
Flat Tax
minor tweaking of the estate tax to make sure family farms are not hurt.

Binkowski vs Bachmann Round 1

Yankees Red Sox, Raiders Broncos, Lakers Celtics, North Stars Blackhawk’s. Nothing is more exciting then seeing two heated rivals facing off one on one. Binkowski and Bachmann are the best kind of rivals, cross town rivals who both rise to the occasion the debate setting has to offer. While Bachmann is by no means an effective legislator or elite parade marcher she can contend with Binkowski in the debate setting. On Iraq they will differ. On the marriage issue they won't be able to contain the passion behind their differences. On non cable fiscal matters they will be very similar, they will be able to agree completely that government must be held accountable for every dollar spent that doesn't go towards Michele Bachmann's cable bill.

Tonight in Forest Lake will be the first of many one on one battles between the two candidates who have opinions on the issues in this race. While the voters decided who goes to Washington, winning tonight will be a critical element towards achieving that goal. This ain't debating Keith Ellison or Mike Erlandson, this is the major leagues, and John Binkowski is going to prove he belongs tonight. The expectations on both sides will be high, one candidate is going to have to go home dissapointed.

Monday, August 07, 2006

State Fair transition

This week the State Fair transition will be in full force, as the race on the issues is starting up. While the name recognition #'s are not all the way their, the fun and games period of the campaign has so far been a success. A good Republican talking point line on the IP is that we stand for nothing, Tuesday John Binkowski is going to stand for many things as he debates Michele Bachmann in Forest Lake. Wednesday Robert Fitzgerald will stand in front of the press and stand for something. As he did last Week Peter Hutchinson and team Minnesota will stand for more things in the coming weeks, and Tammy Lee will stand for many things soon as that race moves from a primary fight to an actual election.

There are still a few more parades, and what should be a very exciting issue, and fun and game driven State Fair, but come labor day this election will be all about the issues. Mainstream Minnesota will get to know the candidates and their positions, and it appears the groundwork has been done most Minnesotan's will actively consider voting for the Independence Party in November. The great thing is this party has always been strong on issues, and weaker on the fun and games period of the campaign. It appears this year the party is strong in all areas.

Poll #'s?

The latest round of Rasmussen polls have painted a picture of a 12 point lead for Klobuchar, and a 10 point league for Pawlenty. When it comes to margins I only care about the difference between the Democrats and Republicans to the extent that it is significant to limit the fears of a wasted vote. Those leads are making those in the Klobuchar and Pawlenty camps more and more confident. The question I'm still waiting for is where are the actual #'s, a month ago Klobuchar was at 47%. If she had climbed over 50% I'm sure we would know that by now, if she was approaching 50% we would also be hearing that. The rumor I'm hearing is that her #'s are actually down a bit, while Kennedy is down a lot. I'm also hearing about a similar effect in the Governors race. While this poll may or may not show shocking #'s for Robert Fitzgerald or Peter Hutchinson, it appears this poll is suggesting the voters are ready for a change.

I'd love some official #'s to post this with more confidence, but as of yet I have not personally seen them.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

A day with John Binkowski

I decided to head out to the Washington county fair this morning to help out John Binkowski. The Binkowski campaign was signing up supporters giving out buttons, and having a great time enjoying the fair atmosphere all day. As you can imagine on the 5th day of the fair where they put in 10 and 12 hour days the energy was down a bit, but it is very clear John and his supporters are fired up. Tuesday night John faces off with Michele Bachmann in the first true debate of the race. Bachmann is a great debater, but from what I've seen John should have no trouble going toe to toe with her. With no Wetterling this is a great opportunity for John to catch the issue based voters attention.

I really think the Independence party will have great success in the federal races. Not a single person challenged John on the war all week, people want to get us out of Iraq, and their seeing no action from the Democrats. While Democrats should have success nation wide, the voters are ready for anti war candidates who take a more fiscally conservative approach, and they won't get that from Wetterling, Ellison, or Klobuchar. Does that mean the Independence party is in position to sweep those three races, who knows, but Fitzgerald, Binkowski, and Lee are going to catch their opponents attention before the race is over.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Another TV appearance

Tammy Lee will appear on At issue on KSTP Sunday morning at 9 AM.

Urban league parade

Today I marched with Tammy Lee in the Urban league parade in North Minneapolis. As I arrived Leslie Davis went by in his campaign bus, and he gave me a good "please continue to hate me" glare, it was kind of shocking that he actually has a campaign bus given he doesn't do any meaningful campaigning.

Prior to the parade the newest Independence party candidate Brian Smith stopped by. Despite attempts from Mary Kiffmeyer to prevent him from appearing on the ballot Brian is running a strong campaign in 58B. This race has the potential to become the Independence Party's only competitive primary as he competes with 2 other IP candidates, as well as a friend of the IP who filed with the Republicans for the seat currently held by Keith Ellison.

While there wasn't a Republican candidate to be found, the people at the parade were very open to change in politics. These are exactly the kinds of places the Independence Party has an opportunity to thrive in. In 2002 Tim Penny only received 4.9% in the precinct however in that same Governors race Booker Hodges received 9.5%, with the help of people like Booker and a local candidate like Brian the combined 14.4% "independent vote" in 2002 is the starting point for Team Minnesota, Tammy Lee and Robert Fitzgerald to build off of. While the Republicans might not have as much hope to improve in the community it is sad to see they won't even enter urban territory.

Thursday is the New Brighton parade where I'm still deciding who I should march with as Robert Fitzgerald begins his tour of the metro area. I Hope to see as many volunteers as possible for both Robert and Tammy to make my decision easier.

The puppy vote?

Apperently Alan Fine has given up on the human vote, but is working hard to be in position for the puppy vote. I'm sorry to say this but I think even a dog will see Alan Fine as a fraud.

The link might have load time issues, in fact after 10 minutes I haven't had it pop up yet. Maybe Alan Fine would be better off dropping out of the race. I can think of at least two people that would love to see it happen one of them is not much of a party guy and the other has a 34 inch waist.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Great night for a parade

This is the best part of summer, most of us have headed up north so often that we forget to have a good time outside at home. It's cooled down, and despite the rain their isn't a mosquito to be found.

I held the banner tonight for Tammy Lee in the St Anthony parade. The weather bought out a huge crowd, and Tammy and her tattoo passers had trouble keeping up as they attempted to get to everyone in the crowd. The response from the crowd was great, we were at the end of the parade and I think it's clear they were not excited about any of the other candidates. We had a great time before and after the parade discussing the emergence of a real opportunity for the Independence Party to be more then a spoiler in November.

While we don't know all the details of the latest rounds of polls yet, the leaks are suggesting the Democrat and Republican support is down considerably. As those on the left and right discuss the margin between the Democrats and Republicans the Independence party appears to be rising into contention in both the US Senate race and Governors race. The feel from tonight would also suggest the Independence party will be contending in the 5th congressional district, as Republican candidate Alan Fine has decided rather then a quest for 15% he will see how close to 0% a Republican candidate can get without dropping out of the race.

Another parade in the morning, and then New Brighton on Thursday. Things are looking better and better every day.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I think it, they say it

This was a common theme with me during the Ventura years. I would think a radical out of the blue thought and within days Jesse Ventura would be saying it, in fact during the Ventura years I was so in sync with his actions that after the Paul Wellstone “memorial“ I was already telling people without a shadow of a doubt that he walked out prior to that news being confirmed.

Tuesday night I Left downtown Minneapolis after a Twins game at around 10:10. I had to get to Bloomington by 11 PM to work, no problem I'll stop by burger King grab something to eat and be in the parking lot by 10:45 with plenty of time to enjoy my meal (note I never eat and drive, the food doesn't taste as good and the driving suffers). For the second consecutive time making the Trip from a Twins game to Bloomington there was no chance of making it to work on time. There was a crash on the side of the road and what should have taken a minute or two took 40 minutes. While I blame the gawkers for 90% of the problem the reason I didn't have a chance to eat prior to being late for work was the crash. The thought running through my head was those drivers responsible for the crash need to be held accountable for not only the damage to the vehicles, but also the time and wages of the other drivers on the road.

Today Peter Hutchinson says he is willing to go that far. While sometimes accidents just happen, most of the time they are the result of some form of stupidity, be it Weaving in and out of traffic with no idea what a turn signal is, driving well above or below the speed of traffic, or simply not paying attention stupid drivers are the cause of most accidents.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Saw Martin Sabo at the Twins game the other night with an I like Mike button of course referring to Mike Erlandson. Martin Sabo's endorsement is important, but Martin Sabo wearing a button at a Twins game is ineffective as nobody that doesn't already have their mind made up knows what Martin Sabo looks like.

Saw a Twins fan today with a Peter Hutchinson/Team Minnesota button, yay for people that aren't me supporting the Independence Party in public.

Anyone else think teenager when they see Amy Klobuchar's campaign ads?

Anyone else think Brady Bunch when they watch Mark Kennedy campaign ad's?

If you do does that mean Robert Fitzgerald is the most mature looking major party candidate in the race?

Local TV news sometimes leaves you less informed then you were when you started watching.

Either Matt Garza isn't as good as the hype, or Twins management is being ridicules. Mike Smith? Who the heck is Mike Smith?

Big news from WCCO

The Republican Party chair is accusing Mike Hatch of using his office to campaign. Funny I didn't see anything from WCCO when the Independence Party chair actually made the complaint. It should be noted there was a reason the Republicans didn't run with this clear ethical violation by Hatch until after the Independence party brought the issue forward, the reason the Republicans didn't present this information to the media is because they do the same thing, and didn't want the media to look into some of the things there candidates have done. WCCO really should run with news when a credible source gives them something to work with rather then playing into the partisan games of the Democrats and Republicans, their viewers might have actually taken the story seriously if the source was the Independence party Chair, but by running with the story from this angle now a lot of viewers will be able to safely assume Hatch did nothing wrong, as the chair's of either the Republican or Democrat party lie more often then they tell the truth.

Another candidate seeks endorsement

Found this from "Unity" candidate Harry Welty running in the eight congressional district.

On the issues he appears to be acceptable, but not choosing to run under the Independence Party will likely end up disqualifying him from IP Endorsement. The IP in 2002 used cross party endorsement with unsatisfactory results, and has since had a strict policy against cross endorsement in partisan races. The charge against cross endorsement by the way is lead by 8th CD chair P.J. Richardson, so Harry has even more of an uphill battle for endorsement then others in a similar situation. If Harry was an exceptional candidate I'm sure the fact he has no party would allow us to endorse him as a non Independence Party candidate, but because he shows no signs of the potential to contend to win the seat, the fact he did not file to run as a member of the Independence Party will probably make for an easy decision of no endorsement.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Star Tribune at it again

There was a senate debate this afternoon. According to the Star Tribune only two candidates participated, according to the Pioneer Press there were 4.

Why they can't even give the token mention I don't know. And why they think they can get away with half the story on the initial on line release on something that is anything but breaking news who knows. People read this version of the story and many will not revisit it again on-line or when they pick up their paper in the morning. All major party candidates deserve full coverage, the voters by supporting the Independence Party in the past have indicated they want more then the views of two parties. Pat Doyle and the Star Tribune don't seem to give a damn what their readers think, and they absolutely do not care what the voters think.


For the third consecutive year, the courts have ruled one of our new laws unconstitutional. Republican candidate for Attorney General really thought he was on to something in authoring a law that had no chance of ever being enforced. The idea he would somehow get around the constitution by directing fines a children who by adult video games was laughable.

A letter to the editor in today’s Pioneer Press asks if we should have an Attorney General with legislative experience. The clear answer is no, we need to first find someone who understands the constitution, and understands the laws in existence. Neither Jeff Johnson, Mike Hatch or Matt Entenza fit that criteria. Steve Kelley didn't seem to care that we had a law requiring a referendum anytime a city or county wanted to raise taxes, so it remains to be seen if the 2nd chance DFL candidate will be any better. John James appears to be the only candidate who has had a career of respecting the law, rather then trying to bend it.

How bout those Twins

Nice to see Torii Hunter come back with the HR, and don't look now but the power hitting first baseman's batting average is approaching league leader status.

Only complaint, we wasted a great Carlos Silva start.

meanwhile the Wild card leading Boston Red Sox (yes I know they are currently division leaders) got a 9th inning 3 run home run by David Ortiz tonight to comeback from a two run defict. They remain 2 games ahead of the Twins